Plant Magic Magne Cal + Calmag Supplement Calcium Magnesium Additive Hydroponics
Plant Magic is a UK based company specialising in grow mediums, nutrients boosters and stimulants. The Plant Magic Old Timer organic is particularly popular, proving that quality is King. Plant Magic Magne-Cal + works alongside the PK to aid with the uptake of these vital elements as well as giving the plant a surge of trace elements.
As the demand for Phosphorus and Potassium increases so does the demand for Magnesium and Calcium. It is vital to have the correct ratio, which Magne-Cal + has.
Plant Magic Magne-Cal + will also stop Magnesium and Calcium deficiencies as well as giving the plant a food source to green up the leaves. This additive will give outstanding performance in all areas, amazing natural flavours, increased yields, improved plant health and increased micro-population making for high-quality plants with sweet aromas.
A very popular brand in the UK, with products like Evolution, Magne - Cal, Boosting Powder and Platinum Boost things can only go from strength to strength.
Plant Magic Magne - Cal Plus feed rate – 0.5 - 1ml / Litre in Growth and Bloom.
When preparing your nutrient solution, be careful not mix them together in their concentrated form. Add each part of your nutrient schedule to your tank separately, mixing thoroughly before adding the next component to the mix